Breaking news
The EFP is proud to announce that as of January 2024 the journal Food and Waterborne Parasitology (FAWPAR), published by Elsevier, became an Official Journal of the EFP
Future events | Announcements

The 36th annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM) will be held from September 14-18, 2025.
The official website and schedule for MPM XXXVI can be reached here or via the Marine Biological Lab conference website.
The Czech Society for Parasitology is pleased to announce the conferences to be held in 2025.:
Helminthological Days: May 12–16, 2025
Organized by: Dr. Lucie Panská (Czech University of Life Sciences)
Jírovec’s Protozoological Days: April 21–25, 2025
Organized by: Dr. Hassan Hashimi (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
More details:

8th International Giardia and CryptosporidiumConference
Feb 23 – Feb 26, 2025 | Melbourne, Australia
We are thrilled to announce that Early bird registration and abstract submission for the 8th International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference is now open. For more information, please visit our conference website at
In Memoriam
Professor dr Jaroslav KULDA
It is with sadness that the EFP announces the passing of Prof. Jaroslav Kulda on June 11, 2023, at the age of 89. Prof. Kulda was an internationally respected parasitologist, a pioneer in hydrogenosome research, highly regarded teacher at the Charles University, Prague, recipient of the WFP Distinguished Achievement Award in 2010, former long-time president of the Czech Society for Parasitology, scientific and moral authority, and a wonderful person. He will be missed.

A new organization!
The mission of the International Association for Food and Waterborne Parasitology (IAFWP) is to promote and facilitate research and collaboration among those who are interested in food and waterborne parasitology for the generation and exchange information in order to advance public health parasitology, and to foster the application of such knowledge into approaches, methods, guidelines, recommendations and other outputs for use by standard-setting bodies, regulatory authorities, food producers, consumers and other stakeholders in reducing the global burden of parasites transmitted by food or water.
A new journal! “Food and Waterborne Parasitology”
Published on behalf of the International Association for Food and Waterborne Parasitology
Editor-in-Chief: Alvin Gajadhar
EFP NEWS letters (see bottom of the page for downloads)
HERACLES a European colloborative project for Echinococcosis
HERACLES (Human cystic Echinococcosis ReseArch in Central and Eastern Socities) is designed to provide new insights into parasite/host relationship associated with the epidemiology, clinical manifestation, parasite infectivity, host immunity, improvement of therapeutic treatment and new tools for the detection, diagnosis and follow-up of CE. HERACLES will translate the research results into affordable and easy-to-use, point-of-care commercial tools (POC-LOC) for its use in less favored Eastern European countries (EEC) affected by CE. We will deliver a methodology and an amount of data, exploitable in new diagnostic tools for epidemiological surveillance in animals, and diagnosis and follow up in humans. Moreover, the European Registry of Cystic Echinococcosis (ERCE) will be created to provide baseline data for future risk calculations and to establish a prospective case retrieval.